Wednesday, February 25, 2009

New Website Stuff

Been working on the website in just about all my free time(and even some that wasn't).

Lot's of new updates there.

There is an interactive events page for the boating events.

Tim's Paradise Boat Works page has been updated and now looks better than most of mine.

I just got some new Custom Craft Brochures and Bulletins, and posted a few in the galleries today.

Been working on a deal to get some Custom Craft windshields that have been hiding in a warehouse for 44 years. The deal is progressing, although it's going slower than I would like.
This website thing is kinda fun, and finding all this Custom Craft information is getting rather addicting. I may go into some other local boat manufacturers after I get this closer to where I want. I would definitely need help from the the local ACBS guys if that were to happen though. There are some other affiliations in the works.
Soon it will be time to get the boats out on the water. As I drove up along side the river today, I couldn't help but think, "the river is clear, I could pop the boat in right now"

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